Porque creemos que la educación es la herramienta más poderosa para cerrar las brechas de la sociedad.
Aún queda un largo camino por recorrer para llegar a un punto en el que todos los individuos tengan las mismas oportunidades, sin importar sexo, raza, cuándo nacieron, dónde nacieron, dónde viven, de dónde vienen o hacia dónde quieren ir.
132 million girls
are out of school.
are out of school.
132 million girls out of school reflect a gap in global equality. Education is our most powerful tool for change, capable of bridging societal divides, ensuring every girl, regardless of her circumstances, has a path to success.
With education, we break
down barriers for equitable opportunities.
down barriers for equitable opportunities.
Eight of the top ten highest-paying careers are in STEM fields, highlighting the critical role of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in driving economic opportunity. Investing in STEM education opens doors, bridging income gaps and building stronger futures.